Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ask your Senators to Support the Sudan Divestment Authorization Act!


The Sudan Divestment Authorization Act (Senate Bill 831), introduced on March 8, provides federal protection for states that divest from foreign companies funding the genocide in Darfur, Sudan.
This bill comes at a crucial moment when the government of Sudan has refused to allow an expansion of the peacekeeping mission and the violence has spread to eastern Chad and the Central African Republic. It is clear that the United States must increase its pressure on the government of Sudan to end the genocide.
Ask your senators to co-sponsor the Sudan Divestment Authorization Act!
What to do:
Call 1-800-GENOCIDE (1-800-436-6243)
Enter in your five-digit zip code
Choose to be connected to your senator’s office
What to say — talking points:
Tell your senator that you are a constituent concerned about the genocide in Darfur; and
Ask your senator to co-sponsor S. 831, the Sudan Divestment Authorization Act.

More information on targeted Sudan divestment can be found at the website of the Sudan Divestment Task Force, a project of the Genocide Intervention Network.

John Prendergast on Darfur at ENOUGH! Project Launch Event:

A new non-profit bringing people together through a comprehensive approach to ending incidents of genocide and mass atrocities.

A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition is an umbrella organization of over 600 high school and college chapters dedicated to putting an end to genocide.

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